- Documentation
- Introduction
- Technical
- Server Requirement
- Folder Structure
- Installation
- Install via Cpanel
- Install via Forge (Recommended)
- Getting started
- Sign Up
- Activate
- Activate Request
- Product Request
- Dashboard
- Hierarchy
- My Team
- Tree View
- Referrals
- Profile
- Basic Information
- Kyc Information
- Financial Information
- Password
- Transaction Password
- Activity Log
- Finance
- Wallet
- Transaction
- Transfer Fund
- Move Fund
- Payout
- Fund Request
- Kyc
- Business
- Packages
- Epin
- Request Epin
- Rewards
- Notification
- Reports
- Binary Report
- Level Report
- Roi Report
- Support
- Tickets
- Addon
- News
- Promotion
- Authorization
- Permission
- Localization
- Language
- Settings
- General
- Financial
- Package
- Binary Income
- Level Income
- Direct Income
- Reward Income
- Registration
- Activation
- Payout
- Fund
- Seo
- Maintenance Mode
- Database Backup
- Database Reset
- GDPR Cookie
- Custom Code
Dashboard ( User )
Explanation of User Dashboard Features.

Dashboard ( User )
The User Dashboard lets to a overview of users current status in MLM Software.
- Referral Link
The referral link of the current user is provided. When used, the signup page opens with the current user as the sponsor of the new user.
- QR Code :
When user click this icon then logged-in user see their QR Code associated with their referral link. User can download their QR Code.
- Share :
When user click this icon then user can share their referral link in different applications.
- Copy : When user want to copy this referral link then click this icon.
- QR Code :
When user click this icon then logged-in user see their QR Code associated with their referral link. User can download their QR Code.
- Total Users
Total users count under the currently logged-in user's team.
- Active Users : It displays number of active users of logged-in user.
- Referral : It displays the number of direct users of logged-in user.
- Active Referral : It displays the number of active direct users of logged-in user.
- Activate Wallet
It displays the balance of logged-in user's activate wallet.
- Deposit Fund : This is the another option to user's for deposit fund in their Activate Wallet.
- Withdrawal Fund : This is the another option to user's for withdrawal fund from Income Wallet.
- Total Earnings
It displays the total earnings of logged-in user.
- Binary Income : It displays the user's total binary income.
- Direct Income : It displays the user's total direct income.
- Level Income : It displays the user's total level income.
- Upgrade
This is the another option for user to activate their account.
- Recent Joined
Recent joined list, showing users who recently joined under the current user's team.
- Latest Transaction
Recent transactions under the current user's team.
Dashboard ( Admin )
Explanation of Admin Dashboard Features.

Dashboard ( Admin )
The Admin Dashboard let's to a overview of all users current status in MLM Software.
- Total Users
Total users in the entire user base in company.
- Active Users
Active users count in the entire user base in company.
- Total Turnover
Total turnover across the entire user base in company.
- Total Payout
Total payout across the entire user base in company.
- User Chart
User chart displaying the overall activity of users, including total and active user charts.
- Activate Request
Activate request count across the entire user base in company.
- Epin Request
ePIN request count across the entire user base in company.
- Pending KYC
Pending KYC count across the entire user base in company.
- Fund Request
Fund request count across the entire user base in company.
- Payout Request
Payout request count across the entire user base in company.
- Available ePins
Available ePins count in the entire system.
- Recent Joined
Recent joined list of users across the entire user base in company.
- Recent Activity
Recent activity list across the entire user base in company.
- Top Referrals
Top referrals list in the entire system.
- Top Earners
Top earners list in the entire system.
- Accumulated Income
Accumulated income, representing the sum of income received across the entire user base in company.
- Recent Transactions
Recent transactions across the entire user base in company.
- Payout information
Payout information across the entire user base in company.